Middle School

age: 11-13 years old

The students face new challenges and participate in activities that enhance their abilities. During Middle School, students enrich their skillset and develop an international outlook on life

Appreciating challenges is promoted and students are encouraged to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, research and creative expression abilities.


LAAS Middle School

Middle School curriculum rests upon the foundation of vertical cohesion (skills taught in one grade will be built upon in the following grades). It is progressive in its emphasis on depth of understanding over breadth of exposure, project- and problem-based reasoning, and interdisciplinary learning, following the path traced by the principles of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme offered at the LAAS Primary Level.

LAAS wants its Middle Schoolers to be dedicated, motivated and respectful individuals who appreciate a challenge and have a developed sense of values that drive their decisions and interactions. LAAS encourages and motivates its students to develop in-depth skills in critical thinking, problem solving, research and creative expression. LAAS aims to help its students to learn, take turns, share, communicate, think and listen to what others are thinking.

LAAS’ goals are based on respect for the individual and classroom teachers determine how the objectives are implemented. These objectives are based and guided by both knowledge of the typical development of students and by awareness of individual differences in patterns of growth, personality and learning styles. Most of the goals of the programme represent processes rather than isolated skills.

Grade 7

(11 years old)

Grade 7 students enter Middle School prepared by their IB PYP experience to encounter a program specifically designed to support their cognitive, social, physical and emotional development. The Middle School learning environment supports a transition from childhood to beginning adolescence where students are assisted and empowered by teachers and staff within the various disciplines. 

At the Grade 7 level students are offered mathematics, science, humanities, languages (English, Italian, Latin, Spanish), physical education, music, visual art and specialist courses in civics and digital applications. In tandem with learning through inquiry-based methods, students are encouraged to make cognitive connections between the material learned in their classes and real-life situations relevant to their personal growth and enrichment.

Grade 8

(12 years old)

Grade 8 students continue their Middle School studies by assuming new responsibilities as they face a time of increased self-discovery and expanding roles. The Middle School learning environment engages their diverse interests while also providing needed support into adolescence. At the Grade 8 level students are offered increasingly challenging and fulfilling courses in mathematics, science, humanities, language (English, Italian, Latin, Spanish), physical education, music, visual arts and a specialist course in innovative learning. Students in Grade 8 apply their knowledge and growing experience to self-empowering opportunities that enhance academic, social and personal development and independence.

Grade 9

(13 years old)

Grade 9 students reach the pinnacle of their time at LAAS by supporting their learning for successful completion of Esame di Stato Conclusivo del I ciclo di Istruzione (The Italian state exam for Italian students), the Cambridge Preliminary (PET) exam, and the Instituto Cervantes Spanish-language assessment. Moreover, Grade 9 students use their core knowledge to complete the LAAS Personal Investigation Project (PIP) on a topic of their own choice via interdisciplinary inquiry. Grade 9 students culminate their studies at LAAS with a sure foundation of knowledge that prepares them for any future field of studies.

Our spaces

Our spaces

The school is housed in an independent, modern glass structure approximately four kilometers east of the center of Brescia, conveniently close to the ‘ring’ that accommodates the city’s hinterland. 
Our Middle School area has an extension of approximately 2,300 square meters and articulates space, light, glass and wood in a 21st-century environment. Studio-sized classrooms of comfortable, open-floor planning feature transparent inner and exterior walls that display sound-proofed working environments around an interior agora-styled court. Innovations and science labs, a newsroom and indoor gymnasium highlight student interests. Exterior space allows learning to flow out of doors onto an ample patio and enclosed green park.

Our teachers

LAAS provides a team of educators committed to excellence. Their combined backgrounds, education and experience bring to LAAS the dedication of professionals. Mother-tongue English-speaking teachers, Italian teachers, and Spanish teachers are trained and skilled at what they do. They work collaboratively to provide lessons and to promote skills and responsibilities that are both valuable and life-long.

Relationship between school and families

The relationship between our school and LAAS families is a matter of great importance to our children's educational success, so we have open and continuous communication with families. 
We organize regular meetings, workshops and special events to involve families in their children's school life. We want to create an environment where people feel welcomed and supported.

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